
ven13dic10:00The trial of William Shakespeare10:00 Tag Eventoin lingua ingleseANCHE IN STREAMING

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Dettagli evento

Incontro con Jeremy Lester
scrittore, docente École des Hautes Études Internationales et politiques di Parigi e Università degli studi Roma Tre

An engaging focus on the authorship controversy in which the audience renders a verdict

«For well over a century or more, many people – including famous writers and Shakespearean actors – have become convinced that the author of the plays and poems that have come to bear the name ‘William Shakespeare’ were NOT actually written by the man from Stratford-on-Avon, but were really written by someone else. Over this period, many names have been suggested as the true ‘hidden’ author, as well as reasons why the true author ended up signing his name ‘William Shakespeare’ rather than his or her own name.

The principal aim of this ‘conference’, that will adopt the form of a ‘trial’, is to outline and critically examine some of the key arguments used by both sides in this longstanding debate — that is to say, those who are convinced that it was some other man or woman who wrote everything, and those who remain firmly convinced that it was the man from Stratford.»

(Jeremy Lester)

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